Sunday NOVEMBER 7th 2021 -Week 1 “Biceps make the world go round”
**Programming options. Choose one of the training tiers to follow (Red, White, or Blue). Each day perform ONLY that part of the Major Lift section. Red is the foundational strength template, based on 5/3/1. White is the Powerlifting tier for max strength building. Blue is the bodybuilding tier. All other sections of the day’s training will be completed by everyone.**
-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.
-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.
Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesn’t want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.
Monday, NOV 8th, DE UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
10 Pushups
KB overhead carry, gym floor down and back (Pull the scapula down and in. Do not allow overextension of your back in order to hold the weight overhead. If you have to go lighter in order to maintain vertical, tight posture and position, so be it).
Major Lift : Red (foundation training): Bench Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): Jesse Burdick’s DB Fist Fight!
5 sets max reps getting no less than 20 reps on the first set.
2 sets max reps @50% of previous 5 sets weight.
Blue (Bodybuilder): DB Bench Press
20 FacePull
15 T-bar row
30Banded Tricep Pushdown
15 DB Curl
3 rounds, 1 minute work, 2 minutes rest:
Max Reps 1 Power Clean+2 Push Press (moderate weight)
-then immediately:
1 round, 2 minutes:
Max Reps
1 Power Clean+ 2 Push Press
1 Bar Over Burpee
*In the first (3) 1 minute intervals, perform as many rounds of the complex 1 powerclean+2 push press. The weight should be moderate so that the weight can be moved without having to rest for the entire minute. If I was going to give a prescribed weight, it would be 135/95.
*In the last 2 minute interval, perform as many rounds of 1 powerclean+2 push press and 1 burpee. It will burn at this point and be a shock to the body to have to double the work time. Get after it. Use the same weight for all rounds.
Tuesday, NOV 9th ME LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
2x200m Run
2 legged hops/1 legged hops (do these variations forward/backward/laterally
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Squat (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (Power Lift): Sumo Deadlift vs Bands
Max 5
1xAMRAP @80%
Blue (bodybuilder): Sumo Deadlift
20 Goblet Split Squats (10 each)
20 Barbell hip thrusts AHAP
100m Sled push
5 min AMRAP:
5 ball slams
5 jumping squats (holding slam ball)
Shuttle Run (5m n back, 10m n back)
*Touch the ground at every turn around
*At the 5m, turn right. At the 10m, turn left
Wednesday, NOV 10th, Active Rest
Assault Bike for 5 minutes
Row 5 mins
Run 5 mins
30mins total
Thursday, Nov 11th, ME UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
1min Max Reps Burpees
“swimmer’s warmup”
Various Arm swings, forward, back, up, down
Shoulder Prehab: Holding small plates, hold arms straight out in a T, with shoulders engaged and rotate the plates internal and externally rotated. Then hold the plates straight out in front and do the same thing. Then with one arm at a time, hold one plate overhead keeping the lats and scaps engaged, paying attention not to lose tension on the side, and rotate the plate internally and externally.
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Shoulder Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (power lift): Bench Press
Max 4
2x4 @90% of 4
*Comare to max 6 October 7th
Blue (bodybuilder): Bench Press
Max Pushups vs. Bands
25 Banded Straight Arm Pull downs
25 Banded Curls
12 DB Tricep Kickbacks (each)
10min EMOM:
:10 Max Cal Assault Bike
*Remainder of every minute, max reps strict pullups (up to 40 seconds)
*Bands ok for pullups. Remember, negatives are a great scale for pullups.
Friday, NOV 12th, DE LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
Row warmup:
3x250m row
Start easy, and increase speed each 250m. Stretch between efforts
Major Lift: Red: foundation training): Deadlift (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): Speed Squats/Speed Deadlifts
Speedy Squats
5x3 @55%
5x3 @60%
Speedy Deadlifts
7x2 @60%
Blue (bodybuilder): Squat
1 min Max KB Swings (eye level) AHAP
100m Backwards Sled Drag AHAP
Max Toes 2 Bar
High Box Jump
-4 DB Snatch AHAP between each set, workout ends with DB snatch.
-then Immediately
250m Sprint Row (one time AFAP)
Sandbag squat -OR- Front Squat AHAP
Bench Press @BW
Pullups (strict)
Tabata: Empty BB Curls/Overhead Extensions