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Sunday NOVEMBER 28th 2021 -Week 2 “Fresh, Hot and Delicious”

Sunday NOVEMBER 28th 2021 -Week 2 “Fresh, Hot and Delicious”

**Programming options. Choose one of the training tiers to follow (Red, White, or Blue). Each day perform ONLY that part of the Major Lift section. Red is the foundational strength template, based on 5/3/1. White is the Powerlifting tier for max strength building. Blue is the bodybuilding tier. All other sections of the day’s training will be completed by everyone.**

-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.

-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.

Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesn’t want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.

Monday, NOV 29th, DE UPPER:

Jet Fuel:

2 minutes Assault bike


Spidermans forward/backward

Crab walk forward/backward

Scorpions backnforth each side

:30 deadhang pullups grip

:30 deadhang chinup grip


Major Lift : Red (foundation training): Bench Press (follow the Red Tier training template)

White (powerlift): Speed Banded Bench Press

5x3 @55%

5x3 @60%

3x3 @65%

Blue (Bodybuilder): Bandy Bench Press




12 (each) Kneeling landmine press

12 (each) Single arm DB row

15 DB Seated incline curls (enjoy the sweet dance music)

Max reps dips


10 Rounds,

:30 work, :15 rest

5 Pullups (kip ok)

Max reps Pushups

*This will get aggressive quickly for most people. Make sure to scale the pullups properly. Bands are ok as long they are not kipping in them. Scaling to jumping pullups may be the best option for many people. Ring rows as a last resort are fine.

*Knee pushups are never allowed. Trunk development is a large part of a pushup. Scaling to knees, takes that stimulus away. Instead of knees, elevate people as high as necessary on benches or boxes so they can get proper form and knock out some reps. Looking for minimum 5-7 Pushups per round. Strong folk should be getting upwards of 20 reps at least in the first few rounds.


Tuesday, NOV 30th ME LOWER:

Jet Fuel:

5 min Running clock:

4 Squats

2 Lunges (total)

50m Run


Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Squat (follow the Red Tier training template)

White (Power Lift): Sumo Deadlift vs Bands

Max 3

1xAMRAP @80%

Blue (bodybuilder): Sumo Deadlift




15 (each) DB single leg deadlift

15 DB Bent Over Rows

10 Pistols (each)


10 Minute Running Clock:

Every :30 for 10 rounds, same weight as last week:

4 Deadlift

4 Hang Power Clean

2 Front Rack Lunges

-then 1minute rest

At 6minutes on the clock:

1 minute max reps hang power cleans

-then 2minutes rest

At 9minutes on the clock:

1 minute max reps front racked lunges

*Fast barbell cycling is important here, but don’t let people fall apart in their movement, especially on the deadlift. Each round needs to be around :15 seconds of work. If their form breaks down, have them skip a round and get back to it.

*If you have someone who didn’t do this last week, use 135/95 as a weight load guide.


Wednesday, DEC 1st, Active Rest


For quality of movement, spend 1 minute at each station:

Twisting Punches w/ lightweight db’s

Plank Reach to Spider Knee

Weighted Hollow Rocks w/ lightweight db’s

Skier Hops

Single leg vup → Regular vup w/ lightweight db’s

*rest as needed between each station and repeat 3 times.

*Courtesy of instagram @jtm_fit




Thursday, DEC 2nd, ME UPPER:

Jet Fuel:

Assault bike 50 cals. Every 10 calories, perform a 20 second handstand hold or DB Overhead hold


Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Shoulder Press (follow the Red Tier training template)

White (power lift): Bench Press

Max 2

2x2 @90% of 2

*Comare to max 4 November 11th

Blue (bodybuilder): Bench Press



100 Band Pull apart

100 Band Presses (the video shows the band behind the head. Do not do this. Keep it in front like a regular press)

100 Bandy Curls

100 Bandy Pushdowns

*Split these up in any number of reps in any order


3, 4minute AMRAP’s

10 DB Floor Press AHAP+5lbs from last week

10 Knees to Elbow

*Rest 2 minutes between amraps


Friday, DEC 4th, DE LOWER:

Jet Fuel:

1 time through, each of the following:

:30 each movement, no rest:



Mtn Climber



-then Follow along with this video and work on single leg stability.

*In the video, the 2nd exercise has him banded. Don’t worry about that, just lateral jump.


Major Lift: Red: foundation training): Deadlift (follow the Red Tier training template)

White (powerlift): Deadlift

5x3 @55%

5x3 @60%

3x3 @65%

**Do not touchngo. Reset every rep


7x2 @65%

Blue (bodybuilder): Squat




20 Weighted Situps/20 Supermans

Leg Extensions

Leg Curls


10 min AMRAP:

10 Box Jumps (30/24)

10 Lunges

*Every 2 minutes, 3 Overhead Squats AHAP+10lbs from last week



Find heavy 3 rep Floor Press


5 Rounds:

20 Burpee DB Step ups

20 DB floor press

*Each rep of DB Burpee stepups consists of one burpee on DB’s, then one step up on each leg.

* Use a box height that is low enough so people do not have an egregious pelvic tilt. For many, this will mean a height lower than 20” and will need to stack plates for their proper height. This will keep their pelvis inline and happy and allow for heavier weights.

*Different sized weights for each stage is allowed.

*The floor press should be unbroken for the first 2 rounds at least.


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