Sunday, May 24th, 2020 - Coronacation-staycation Week 1
-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.
-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.
Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesnt want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.
Sunday May 24th.
**A lot of single arm, single leg trunk stability focus this cycle**
Monday, 25th, 2020
Jet Fuel: 4x 20 second stations:
Plank Cherry Pickers (shoulder taps)
30 Band Pull aparts https://youtu.be/4lGB6YWuwlA
30 Band Face pulls
Major, Lift: Red: Bench Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Speed Bench vs. Bands (close-grip/comp grip) https://youtu.be/GYf9u7IXebw
On the minute:
Close Grip 10x3 @50%
Comp Grip 5x3 @55%
*Comp grip is competition grip. Wherever you would place your hands normally
Shoulder Press
3x5 +2.5lbs from last week
*If you fail this week, drop 15lbs and reset.
-Single Arm Kneeling Land Mine press https://youtu.be/gp14Yw6kbkI
-3xMax Inverted Supine Bar Rows (elevated)+Max scaled https://youtu.be/vxw5FyYBvZo
*Perform max reps at a harder version, then immediately scale to an easier version and perform max reps.
Bandy Curls https://youtu.be/eoWDUIK4gmM
Bandy Pushdowns https://youtu.be/llCOtaJIzNw
After Burner:
AFAP (as fast as possible) https://youtu.be/PiN8_e5xdPI
DB Hang Power Snatch (each) AHAP
*10m Overhead Walk after every set
*Alternate arms after each complete set i.e. perform 12 DB HPS left hand and walk 10m overhead with left hand. Then perform 12 DB HPS right hand and walk 10m overhead with right hand. Then 10 DB HPS left hand+walk, then 10 DB HPS right hand+walk, then 8 DB HPS left hand+walk, then 8 DB HPS right hand +walk...etc…
*Weight should be heavy enough that 12 HPS is tough but unbroken
Memorial Day Murph
Tuesday, May 26th, 2020
Jet Fuel:
10 Banded good morning
10 Stepups
6 min EMOM alternating:
20 Cals Row -OR- Lightweight KB deadlift highpulls
15 Box Jumps
*3 rounds of each
* scale both to get 45 seconds of rest on the first round
Mash lower body
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Sumo Deadlift off 2” blocks
Max 5
AMRAP @80%
-BB Overhead Squat
3x10 Heavy
-KB Single arm RDL https://youtu.be/ooA4mOgdbCQ
Tabata Weighted Split Jumps https://youtu.be/gQYDLORsCPE
*Focus here is more about max height on the jump vs. max reps. Better to get less reps and be explosive each jump instead of being fast and barely leaving the ground and/or not opening the hips.
*Scale to no weight if needed. It’ll be nasty no matter what
Wednesday, MAY 27th, 2020
Active Rest Day
Ride a bicycle for an hour
Jesse Burdick’s Board Fight: https://youtu.be/Ea0MonesChI
3xMax Reps Cycling as many rounds as possible:
3 Reps Thick Board
3 Reps Thin Board
3 Reps No Board
*Rest as needed between max effort rounds
*Weight should be a 4 out of 10
*The video makes it look out of order. Do 3 reps with a thick board, then 3 reps with a thin board, then 3 reps full range of motion, then repeat until Death. Then rest as needed and repeat that 2 more times.
Girth Differential
10 BB Shoulder Press
10 Pullups (scale as needed, no kips)
DB Curls
DB Kickbacks https://youtu.be/RXQ9qcCFGno
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
Jet Fuel:
Tabata alternating (4 mins total):
3xSuperset using Lightweight Plates
8 Lateral Raises
8 Rear delt flyes https://youtu.be/5Ll3fwGjvYA
Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Board Press
Max 3, 2 board
AMRAP @80% w/ 2 board
AMRAP @80% w/ 3 board
**Compare to max 5, April 23rd**
-Single Arm Sled Row/Pullups https://youtu.be/dep6fbQdQ90
3x50m (each)
10 Pullups (scale as needed no kips)
*Alternate rows and pullups. Perform 50m row down using 1 arm, then 50m row back using the other, then perform 10 pullups. Repeat for 3 sets.
*Use a weight that allows for focus on the back, i.e. it doesn’t require leg drive or opening of the hips in order to row. Work trunk stability. Error on lighter this week.
Seated Arnold Press https://youtu.be/caWej_FrVTU
5 min Max Rounds:
10m Bear Crawl
5 Pushups (scale to knees if needed)
*10m bear crawl down, 5 pushups, return 10m bear crawl, 5 pushups, etc
Friday, June 1st, 2018
Jet Fuel:
Soon to be relatively famous fast feet drills https://youtu.be/mX00T4uuPtI
2 attempts at
5-10-5 https://youtu.be/kScp4s4kFsY
Mash lower body
Major, Lift: Red: Deadlift
-then 2xAMRAP @80% of the days heaviest set
Wht/Blu: Volume Deadlift/Speed Squats
Every 2 minutes, for 5 sets (10 minutes total)
10 Deadlift @40%
2 Speed Squat @50%
*Treat each set as a superset. Go directly from Deads to squats, then rest.
(10 minutes)
-KB SIngle Arm Suitcase Deadlift/Farmer Walk https://youtu.be/HwryrdCtrIM https://youtu.be/G8tS1pSrC5c
*Perform 8 deads left arm then walk 20m without setting the KB down. Then Switch to right arm. Repeat 3 times. Weight will be dependent on being able to hold hips and shoulders square. Do not go to heavy so proper posture and position cannot be maintained.
-100 Walking Lunges
It’s Baaaaaaaaack!
50 Calories Assault bike AFAP
*Scale to 30 if needed
*This is an all out assault on the bike. Whatever your scale, it should take about 1 minute or less. Max effort cannot be stressed enough. Get after it. This should be one of the nastiest minutes ever.
Jesse Burdick’s Board Fight: https://youtu.be/Ea0MonesChI
3xMax Reps Cycling as many rounds as possible:
3 Reps Thick Board
3 Reps Thin Board
3 Reps No Board
*Rest as needed between max effort rounds
*Weight should be a 4 out of 10
*The video makes it look out of order. Do 3 reps with a thick board, then 3 reps with a thin board, then 3 reps full range of motion, then repeat until Death.
Girth Differential
10 BB Shoulder Press
10 Pullups (scale as needed, no kips)
DB Curls
DB Kickbacks https://youtu.be/RXQ9qcCFGno