Sunday, MAY 2, 2021 -Week 2 “Gains discounted for buying in bulk”
**Programming option change. Choose one of the training tiers to follow (Red, White, or Blue). Each day perform ONLY that part of the Major Lift section. Red is the foundational strength template, based on 5/3/1. White is the Powerlifting tier for max strength building. Blue is the bodybuilding tier. All other sections of the day’s training will be completed by everyone.**
-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.
-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.
Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesn’t want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.
Monday, MAY 3rd 2021
Jet Fuel:
1 min Burpees
Bandy Fun Time:
20 Band Pull Aparts
20 Bandy Shoulder Press (10 each arm) *Stand in band with one foot. Use same side arm and press the band overhead
20 (each arm) bandy int/ext rotations *Attach lightweight band to the rig at shoulder height. Face the rig and hold band with arm bent 90 degrees, hand facing the rig and upper arm parallel with the ground. Rotate forearm up and down (internally and externally)
20 FacePulls
Major, Lift: Red (foundation training): Bench Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift):Pause Bench vs Bands
8x8 @60%
4x4 @65%
**3 Count Pause on Chest**
Blue (bodybuilder): Bench Press vs bands
Single Arm DB Rows
Incline DB Rear delt kickouts **Support yourself facedown on an incline bench. With DBs, pull elbows up and back at near 90degrees, then kick DBs out until arms are straight. This will require lighter DBs than expected**
DB Curl and Press
DB Rolling Tricep Ext
OTM: 10mins
1 Devil Press+2 Push Press
**+5lbs from last week
**The movement is 1 devill press, and 2 push press. Complete that movement 5x every minute for 10 minutes. No alternating minutes**
Tuesday, MAY 4, 2021
Jet Fuel:
10 Cal Row
10 Pole Squat
10 Box Jump
**Wear a hip Circle**
Major, Lift: Red (foundation training): Squat (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (Power Lift): Squat VS Bands
Max 1
1xAMRAP @80%
*Compare to max 3, APRIL 6th*
Blue (bodybuilder): Squat vs Bands
Dimmel Deadlifts
*this is a quick and powerful movement. It helps build a strong hip opening*
DB Bulgarian Split Squats
3x8 (each)
Bandy Hammy Curls
100 Air Squats
**Every minute, 5 Box Jumps until done**
**Box Jumps first**
*Burpees become box jumps
Wednesday, MAY 5th, 2021
Active Rest Day
Row 2k
Run 800
Row 2k
Run 800
Thursday, MAY 6th, 2021
Jet Fuel:
Assault Bike 2 minutes
Max Calories assault bike in 30 seconds or 20 calories, whichever comes first.
10 Pushups
10 Pullups
10 KB Inverted Piston Press
Major, Lift: Red (foundation training): Shoulder Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (power lift): 2 Board Bench Press
Max 1
1xAMRAP @80%
1xAMRAP @70%
*Compare to max 3 April 15th.
Blue (bodybuilder): Incline Bench Press
**During GainCity today, every 3minutes, 5 pullups must be performed**
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Bandy Lat pull down *Attach a band overhead, but close enough to the floor so you can sit and reach the band. Grip the band like a pullup and perform Lat pull downs for 1 min
DB Lat Raises/Front Raises
5x10 (each)
Bandy Curls/Pushdowns
100 each
Cal Sprint Assault Bike
**First minute, 5 cals, next minute, 10 cals, next 15 cals, finish with 20 cal sprint**
**Use the calorie count achieved in the warmup as the starting number if 20 was not achieved. The use that number to make 4 sets by splitting the difference 4 times to make four sets of cals**
Friday, MAY 7th, 2021
Jet Fuel: Jog 2mins
Running/Footwork Drills
Major, Lift: Red: Deadlift
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Volume Squat
2x20 @55%
Deadlift vs Band
5x1 @70%
Sled Drag
DB Stepups low box
3x8 (each)
10 HEAVY wallballs
40yd Sprint
10 Squats @1.5 bodyweight
30 Pushups
20 Squats @ bodyweight
30 Pushups
30 Squats @ .75 bodyweight
30 Pushups
40 Air Squats
40 Pushups
30 Air Squats
30 Bench Press @ .6 bodyweight
30 Air Squats
20 Bench Press @ .8 bodyweight
30 Air Squats
10 Bench Press @ bodyweight
***Scale the weight as needed so each set is near failure or 2 sets to complete. SHOULD NOT BE ALL UNBROKEN. Make the weight heavy***