Sunday, May 17th, 2020 - Freedom over Temporary Security. Week 2
Monday, May 118th, 2020
Jet Fuel: Ski Erg, or Assault Bike aggressively for 1 minute
Tabata alternating:
Renegade rows https://youtu.be/7qZBfOlLiWA
*Use lightweight, focusing on core stability and db control
Push Press
-then Mash Upper Body
Major, Lift: Red: Bench Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Speed Bench/Pushups-Superset
3 Bench Press @65%
Max Reps Pushups
**Superset-Perform 3 bench press and immediately perform max reps pushups without rest. Then rest as needed before the next set.
**Scale to get at least 10 reps pushups
Shoulder Press
3x5 +2.5lbs from last week
*If you fail this week, drop 15lbs and reset.
-Red tier only: 5xmax reps pushups
**Scale to get at least 10 reps pushups
----Everyone performs the following:
-5x25 DB CSR (chest supported rows) https://youtu.be/JIl8pvixHVA
*For today, hold DBs in line with the bench
-3xDB Curl Dropsets https://youtu.be/kC77aqqsEMc
*Perform 4 dropsets (including the first set)
*Start with a weight you can get 20ish reps
*Max reps of each sub-sequential weight
-5xmax reps dips
*Scale to get 20ish on the first set.
*Preferably NOT on rings. Use a dip bar if available or benches or boxes or GHD Bars. Scale anyway needed. Slingshot ok. Help from Feet ok.
Tuesday, May, 19th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Sprints today so the afterburner is first. Then we’ve got some volume squats, and a bunch of bandy accessory work.
Jet Fuel: Afterburner is part of Jet Fuel Today
400m Run
Samson Stretch https://youtu.be/Qep84uTfiYI
Spiderman+Reach https://youtu.be/_SHyatulWbc
20 seconds plate jumps
40yd accelerated jog *Start jogging and accelerate to sprint
4 Lateral box jump overs
2 hurdles (use hurdles if you have them or benches or cones)
20yd Sprint
*Rest is walk back time
*Box Jump switches to lateral jump-overs this week
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Pause Squat vs Chains
Max 1
AMRAP @80% no pause
*2 count pause
*Dudes 3 chains, Chicks 2 chains
**Compare to Max 3, April 21st**
**Notes on today’s lift: Since sprints take place first today, your Squat numbers will be compromised. Understand this is ok, and progress is still being made. I recommend trying to achieve a weight within 5%-10% of your max 3 from April 21st. If that feels good, then give one more bigger attempt**
3x15 Bandy https://youtu.be/Ght6L8wAVVg
-Lateral leg raises (each)
-Donkey Kicks (each)
-Leg extension
Wednesday, MAY 20th, 2020
Active Rest Day
800m weighted farmer’s walk.
*Carry DBs, KBs, barbell, children, etc. and carry weight on your back at the same time.
*Can be a weight vest, a loaded backpack, etc. Something loaded that you can walk with, without having to hold. Also carry weight in your hands.
*Make it heavy! You should have to stop several times.
10min EMOM:
10 Bench Press AHAP
100 Dbl KB walking lunges (70 each hand)
*every drop, 10 cal bike AFAP
Thursday, May 21st, 2020
Jet Fuel:
Jump Rope For 1 minute
Arm Swings/Circles
2x Hang from pullup bar with chinnup grip for 30 seconds
:20 Handstand
8 Lateral raise, front raise, rear delt fly
Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Shoulder Press
*Max effort on each set, rest as needed between sets
Max shoulder press in one minute @80% of 10rep weight
3xMax reps pullups (strict)
*Scale to get 10ish first try. Bands ok. Negative with slow lower, better.
3x50m KB Overhead Carry AHAP
*KB in each hand, locked out overhead
12 dB Curls AHAP
12 DB Skull Crusher AHAP
12 DB Lateral Raises
10 min EMOM:
10 Pullups (kip ok)
20 Cal Bike
*Alternate minutes. First minute pullups, 2nd minute, bike. 20 cal bike is nasty. Almost no one will be able to hold this number. Scale as needed to get 30 seconds rest before the next minute.
Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Jet Fuel:
500m Row
30mtn climbers
:30 Hollow
Mash lower body
Major, Lift: Red: Deadlift
-then 2xAMRAP @80% of the days heaviest set
Wht/Blu: Squat/Deadlift
6x4 @55%
10x1 @65%
3x20 Weighted Hip Extensions
3x20 GHD Situps
Front squats+10lbs
Lunges (total)
10min EMOM:
10 Bench Press AHAP
100 Dbl KB walking lunges (70 each hand)
*every drop, 10 cal bike AFAP