Sunday March 20th 2022 -Week 2 “The majority of your problems can be solved with outward aggression.”
A magnum-sized strength and conditioning program, based on powerlifting and sports performance.
**Programming options. Choose one of the training tiers to follow (Red, White, or Blue). Each day perform ONLY that part of the Major Lift section. Red is the foundational strength template, based on 5/3/1. White is the Powerlifting tier for max strength building. Blue is the bodybuilding tier. All other sections of the day’s training will be completed by everyone.**
-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.
-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.
Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesn’t want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.
Monday, March 21st, DE UPPER: **A lot of pushups this week. Deal with it.**
Jet Fuel:
2x Dead hang for 30 seconds
5 inch worms
Shoulder Prehab https://youtu.be/3fN8bq9GJ5c
DB Bench
DB Shoulder press
Band Pull apart
Major Lift : Red: Bench Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): Speed Bench
10x3 @55
5x3 @60%
Shoulder Press
4x4+5lbs (total)
Blue (Bodybuilder): Bench Press
12 T-bar Rows
12 Hammer Curls
Max reps Slingshot pushups
DB Upright Rows https://youtu.be/jELbn2bPuwk
DB Front Raise
DB Lateral Raise
*This does not have to be done as a complex today. You should be able to use heavier weights on the upright rows.
Running Clock:
(12x) :30 on, :30 off, Alternating
Max reps SDHP
Max Reps Push Press
+10lbs from last week
*12 mins total time, 6 mins work time
*Alternate movements for 6 sets each total
Tuesday, MARCH 22nd, ME LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
3 minute Jog/Bike/or Row
Calf Stretch
Cone Drills: https://youtu.be/cRowvUOWNVg Follow this sweet video of an Englishman and his most excellent music.
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Squat (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (PowerLift): Sumo Deadlift block pulls
Max 1
1xAMRAP @80%
*Compare to max 3 February 23rd
Blue (bodybuilder): Sumo Deadlift
100m Reverse sled drag
24 total reps of “3and3” Goblet squats and KB swings
-Perform 4 rounds of 3 goblet squats and 3 KB swings, equalling 24 reps all together. KB cannot be put down during the set
– –
200 Bicycles (ab work)
8min EMOM, alternating:
Even: 5 max height Jumping Squats, Remainder of minute, walking lunge
Odd: Shuttle Run (5,10), Remainder of minute, walking lunge
*Shuttle run goes 5m forward, then BACK PEDAL back, 10m forward, BACK PEDAL back.
Wednesday, MARCH 23rd, Active Rest
Active Rest Day
200 Calorie Bike
*Every 2 mins perform 10 pushups and 10 situps until finished.
*Scale pushups as needed to get 10.
*Pushups and situps should not take over 1 minute. If necessary, scale situps reps also.
Thursday, MARCH 24th, ME UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
12 (each) Inverted KB Piston Press https://youtu.be/aVy184Vy4n0
-Tempo 3-0-3-0
20 Reverse Flyes (5 or 10lb plates NOT dbs)
Assault bike 5 cals
5 pushups, 1 wallwalk
Switch back n forth.
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Shoulder Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (power lift): Bench Press vs Chains
Blue (bodybuilder): Bench Press
5 Weighted Pullups
Max Reps Dips
DB Skull Crusher+DB Neutral grip bench
For Time:
25 Calorie Bike
100 Pushups
Friday, MARCH 25th, DE LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
400m Run or 500m row
5 Low Box Jumps
10 each Walking Lunges
– – –
2minute squat hold - “Garland Pose” (yoga squat) https://youtu.be/IXpJEqssze8
-Video goes really in depth. Just use it as a guide to get the idea.
-Mash lower body. Pay attention to low back
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Deadlift (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): Speed Deadlift/Speed Squat
Speed Deadlift:
10x1 @55%
5x1 @60%
Speed Squats:
7x2 @65%
Blue (bodybuilder): Squat
8 Weighted falling kossack squat (each)
12 each Single arm KB suitcase deads https://youtu.be/HwryrdCtrIM
3mins Max Rounds:
6 Reverse Lunges (3 each)
2 Bar over Burpee
*Rest 5 mins between bouts
In as few sets as possible:
100 Deadlift @1.5 bodyweight
**Every Break, 20 Pushups until Finished**
**Don’t mess up form trying to go fast. That is not what this workout is about. Every time you touch the barbell it should be for a max rep set. No strategy or purposeful partitioning of reps.
**You may rest as long as needed between sets.**
**If weight must be scaled, scale to a weight where you can complete at least 12 reps but no more than 20 on the first set. If you can get upwards of 20 reps, the weight is too light. DBAP.
Girth DIfferential
Double Tabata, alternating:
Ring Curls
