Sunday February 06 2022 -Week 2 “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is now.”
A magnum-sized strength and conditioning program, based on powerlifting and sports performance.
**Programming options. Choose one of the training tiers to follow (Red, White, or Blue). Each day perform ONLY that part of the Major Lift section. Red is the foundational strength template, based on 5/3/1. White is the Powerlifting tier for max strength building. Blue is the bodybuilding tier. All other sections of the day’s training will be completed by everyone.**
-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.
-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.
Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesn’t want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.
Monday, Feb 7th, DE UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
DB Shoulder Press
DB Bench Press
Bandy Pull aparts
20 cal bike
Major Lift : Red (foundation training): Bench Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): Close-Grip Volume Bench (hands just outside shoulders)
3x10 @55%
1x20 @55%
Blue (Bodybuilder): DB Bench Press
CT Fletcher’s Tricep Gauntlet, 200 reps DB Skull Crusher
*Place 5 different sets of DB’s on the floor descending in weight. Perform 20 reps at each weight. Then...go back up in weight performing another 20 reps per weight, for 200 reps total! (by no means do these reps need to be performed unbroken. Start light. It will suck as it progresses, especially because the last set will be the heaviest)
Max reps rig rows
20, 90 degree DB lateral raises
20 DB Flyes
Tabata: Empty BB Shoulder Press+5lbs.
Tuesday, FEB 8th, ME LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
*We’re brushing off the sporting muscles this cycle.
Fast feet/Leg Drills *If this is too advanced for people, have them start with walking high knees
Sprint Starts
Depth Jumps/Starts
Max Extension Box Jump
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Squat (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (Power Lift): Deficit Deadlift (-2 inches)
Max 1
1xAMAP @70%
*Compare to max 3 January 11th
Blue (bodybuilder): Deficit Deadlift
20 Banded Leg Curl
20 Banded Leg Extension
Hip Circle Party
20 Leg Press
6 Rounds:
:30 burpee box jump over
:30 bike
2mins rest:
200m run AFAP
Wednesday, FEB 9th, Active Rest
Active Rest Day
Accumulate 5 minutes L-sit.
*every break 20 cal bike
Thursday, FEB 10th, ME UPPER:
Jet Fuel:
Bike 2mins
5 Pushups
5 (each side)Plank KB pass through/drags
5 kb press each arm
Major Lift: Red (foundation training): Shoulder Press (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (power lift): Close Grip Bench Press
Max 1
1xAMAP @80%
1xAMAP @70%
*Compare to max 3 January 13th
Blue (bodybuilder): Bench Press
3x Superset
Max reps pullups
Max reps dips
Max reps pushup
100 rep Bicep Curl Gauntlet: *Place 5 different sets of DB’s on the floor descending in weight. Perform 20 reps at each weight. **This is the same as the tricep gauntlet, but half the reps. Perform them standing.
3min AMRAP:
3 DB Push Press
10ft Death Crawl
3 DB Push Press
10ft overhead walk
3 Burpees
*1 min rest between bouts
*These are short and nasty. Get after it!
*10ft down, 10ft back
* Death crawl video
Friday, FEB 11th, DE LOWER:
Jet Fuel:
3 min Hip Circle Assault bike
With hip circle
2 minutes:
5 Air Squats
3 Burpee
Major Lift: Red: foundation training): Deadlift (follow the Red Tier training template)
White (powerlift): OTM Squats/Deadlifts
1 Squat @50%
2 Deadlifts @55%
X10 minutes
*Both in the same minute
Blue (bodybuilder): Squat
100m Reverse sled drags
12 Weighted stepups (6 each leg)
10min AMRAP:
20 Air Squats
20m Bear Crawl
20 Lunge (10 each)
20m Shuttle
20 mins Max Rounds:
5 Bench Press @bodyweight
10 Squats @bodyweight
20m Prowler Push @bodyweight
*scale weights as needed
*If you don’t have a sled, sub with odd object shoulder carry. Make it really heavy and make it 40m instead of 20m.
**If there isn’t enough room on the rig for all the bench presses and squats, then make the squat come from the floor and have people clean it. Keep it a back squat, so theyll have to press it overhead and onto their backs. These weights will probably have to be considerably lighter**
Tabata Girth Differential:
DB Curls
DB Push Press
DB Kickbacks
*Go for 12 minutes
*Every :20 round, alternate from curls to push press to kickbacks, so each exercise gets 8 rounds of :20 of work.