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September 29th, 2019 There can only be one. This is the first one.

Writer's picture: PerfPowerTrainPerfPowerTrain



September 29th, 2019

There can only be one. This is the first one.

-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.

-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.

Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesnt want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.

Monday, September 30th, DE UPPER:

Jet Fuel:


200m Run

1min Max Burpees

Rest 1 min

*Mash Upper Body

Major Lift : Red: Bench Press

Wht/Blu: Speed Bench OTM (on the minute)

5x5 @45%

5x5 @55%

3x3 @60%

3x1 @65%



10(each) Seated upright DB Piston Press

12 T-bar rows

15 Hammer Curls

30 Seconds Max reps Weighted Bench Dips (place weight on thighs)

**Do bench dips whether you can do regular dips or not. This is for the change in tricep targeting**


3 (2) minute rounds:

Each round=

1min Max Reps Bar MU, immediately into

1min Max Reps Burpees

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds

2 (1) minute rounds:

30 sec. Max Reps Bar MU, immediately into

30 sec. Max Reps Burpees

*Rest 2 minute between rounds

**Yes, rest 2 minutes between all 5 rounds.

**MU scaling options:

Pullups - each round will begin with strict pullups. When those give out, they may revert to kipping.

Banded Pullups - No kipping at all.

Ring Rows


Tuesday, October 1st ME LOWER:

Jet Fuel:

500m row, or 20 cal assault bike -then

Set up an agility course with cones. Have people shuttle through using change of direction. Make them side shuffle, back pedal and jump at certain points or intervals. To add flare, have some dodgeballs on hand and try and get them to catch the balls while trying to execute the course.

*Mash Lower body

Major Lift: Red: Squat

Wht/Blu: Deficit Sumo Deadlift (2’)

Max 6

1xAMRAP @80%



8 Snatch Grip Deadlift

:30 Weighted Plank AHAP (place weight on your back)

Hip Circle walk all a live-long day


Running Clock:

400m Sprint!

10 Goblet Squats AHAP

200m Sprint!

20 Goblet Squats AHAP

100m Sprint!

40 Goblet Squats AHAP


Wednesday, October 2nd, Active Rest

Row a 5k





EMOM 2 PowerClean

Start with 135 and add 10lbs or start with 95 and add 5lbs every minute until failure.


Using 80% of heaviest clean weight:

20 Rounds:

1 PowerClean+2 Front Squats

3 Chinnups

5 Dips

*Keep the movements strict


Thursday, October 3rd, ME UPPER:

Jet Fuel:


1 person always in a plank hold while the other performs:

10 assault bike cals

Bear crawl down n back

Crab walk down n back

*Review Snatch

Major Lift: Red: Shoulder Press

Wht/Blu: Shoulder Press

Max 1


Max Reps Push Press @max shoulder press weight


Max Reps Push Press @80% of max shoulder press



20 Banded straight arm pulldowns

20 bandy curls

20 bandy tricep pushdowns

20 bandy pull aparts


2 mins Max Calorie Assault bike

-rest 3 mins

5 Rounds:

10 Pushups

3 Hang Power Snatch AHAP

-rest 3 mins

1 min Max Calorie Assault Bike


Friday, October 4th, DE LOWER:

Jet Fuel:

Soon to be relatively famous fast feet warmup drills

*mash lower body

Major Lift: Red: Deadlift

Wht/Blu: 14 min EMOM:

Even: 3 Squats @50%

Odd: 3 Deadlift @50%



20 Banded Good Morning

20 bandy Leg extension

20 bandy leg curl

20 bandy squats (place band over your shoulders, behind your head. Stand on the band with both feet. Squat.)


10min AMRAP:

5 Double KB swing

100ft Farmer carry

5 high box jumps



EMOM 2 PowerClean

Start with 135 and add 10lbs or start with 95 and add 5lbs every minute until failure.


Using 80% of heaviest clean weight:

20 Rounds:

1 PowerClean+2 Front Squats

3 Chinnups

5 Dips

*Keep the movements strict

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