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September 15th, 2019 New Week, new cycle, new veins



-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.

-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. THat is the active rest on Wednesday.

Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesnt want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.

Monday, September 16th, DE UPPER:

Jet Fuel:


20 rope jumps (single or double under, doesn't matter)

5 Pullups (strict, jumping or ring rows)

*have people moving quickly, it’s only 3 minutes


Line people up shoulder to shoulder across the gym facing a running lane. Have each row of people be two or three people deep if needed.

Everyone will perform:


5 Pushups

2 Burpees

1 Sprint down the gym floor

*walk back to the start and repeat

*Mash Upper Body

Major Lift : Red: Bench Press

Wht/Blu: Speed Bench vs Bands

10x3 @50%

5x3 @55%



8 Weighted Bar or box Dips (video of box dips this shows with feet assisted for those who need it).

8 Upright Rows, AHAP



7mins Max Rounds:

10 steps DB Single arm overhead walk (each arm)

10 Pushups

40 Jump Ropes (singles or doubles)


Tuesday, September 17th ME LOWER:

Jet Fuel:


30 seconds situps

30 seconds KB good morning

Banded Sprints


In Partners:

*One Partner wraps a band around their waist and sprints the length of the gym while their partner holds the band and provides resistance. Switch backnforth. Do this 3 or 4 times. Teach/review proper form for this type of sprint: Fast, choppy steps, knees high, Hands move from hip pocket to chest pocket and think punch on the way up, and hammer on the way down. Keep hands loosely closed. Lean into the band and keep on the forefoot.

*Mash Lower body

Major Lift: Red: Squat

Wht/Blu: Deadlift block pulls (bar just below kneecaps)

Max 1

2x3 @90%

*Compare to Max 3, August 20th



-15 Banded donkey kicks (attach a band to the rig at about knee height. Face the rig and bend one leg at 90 degrees and put the same foot through the band so the band is wrapped under the foot. Extend the banded leg upward and backward as far as possible. Return to start position and repeat).

-15 Banded Lateral Leg Raises (switch back n forth with toes in and out)

-Double Tabata *mins total

Plank, Hollow hold.



200m Sprint Row

5 Burpee over Rower

5 Deadlifts @bodyweight


Wednesday, September 18th, Active Rest


400m Run

30 Cal Bike





Find 10rm Bench Press



*After every set of Rows, perform the following:

10 Bench Press @80% of 10rm

100ft farmer carry AHAP


Thursday, September 19th, ME UPPER:

Jet Fuel:

“Cherry Pie” Bike warmup. Play cherry pie by Warrant. Ride easy during the verse, ride hard during the Chorus.



Max reps clapping pushups

*scale by elevating to box or bench (minimum 8)

Major Lift: Red: Shoulder Press

Wht/Blu: Larsen Press (feet up touch and go bench press)

Max 3

1xAMRAP @80%

1xAMRAP @70%

*Compare to Max 5 August 15th


Max reps strict handstand pushups OR 5 DB Shoulder Press

Max time handstand hold OR Wallwalk

12 Single arm DB row

8 (each) DB shoulder complex (lateral raise/front raise/reverse flyes)

12 Db curl

12 Db skull crusher



DB Push Press

**10 Cal bike after every set. Finish with bike**


Friday, September 20th, DE LOWER:

Jet Fuel:

400m run

Leg swings, high knees, buttkickers

Pigeon stretch, calf stretch



3 box jump overs → 20m sprint

*rest as needed, or do it in partners and rest while partner completes a round.

*mash lower body

Major Lift: Red: Deadlift

Wht/Blu: Speed Squat vs bands

10x3 @50%

5x3 @55%

7x2 Deadlift @60% -Reset, no touchngo


-100 V-ups, Every break, hold a plank for 20 seconds **Can be broken up i.e. after a set of 13 v-ups to failure and a 20 seconds plank, you may switch to another excercise, then come back and complete another set of v-ups**

-Hip Circle Party (wear a hip circle and walk front/back/side/side until your booty falls off)


Every 45 seconds, for 10 rounds:

2 Powercleans AHAP

8 Jumping lunges over bar

*scale lunges if needed to lunge in place



Find 10rm Bench Press



*After every set of Rows, perform the following:

10 Bench Press @80% of 10rm

100ft farmer carry AHAP


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