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MARCH 1, 2020. Week 1, Girth Differential Commencing

Writer's picture: PerfPowerTrainPerfPowerTrain



MARCH 1, 2020

Week 1, Girth Differential Commencing

A magnum-sized strength and conditioning program, based on powerlifting and sports performance.

-Anyone following the 4 day routine should not do “humpday pumpday”. They should do the active rest. Whether they do the Sabado Gigante (which is the same programming as humpday pumpday) is case by case depending how they feel from the week’s worth of work. Don’t over do it. The Sabado Gigante often overlaps things done during the week. When in doubt, push or drag sleds and do some curls.

-Afterburners: These are optional conditioning pieces of the programming. Whether a person completes this is dependent on their goals and calorie intake. If actual sustained strength and mass is the goal, the afterburners should not be done. At least not without increased calorie count to accommodate the extra effort. That being said, some sustained sweat should happen at least once a week. That is the active rest on Wednesday.

Additionally, some of the movements in the Afterburners are not found in the GainCity accessory work. If a person wants to get those movements in for accessory but doesnt want to overdo the sweats, just take the movements and rep counts out of the afterburner and do them like regular sets/reps.

Monday 2nd, 2020

Pre-Flight: Bench Press all around, then the emphasis is on core and back today for the gaincity and accessory.

Jet Fuel:

1 min: Max Cal Assault bike Arms only. Get after it!


4x:30 Max reps

Face Pulls (banded)


Seated Rows (banded)

Major, Lift: Red: Bench Press

-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day

Wht/Blu: Jesse Burdick’s Board Fight


AMRAP: 3 reps thin board

3 reps mid board

3 reps thick board


Keep cycling through until failure. Repeat 3 times.



BB Drag Rows *Back flat, shoulders over the bar, bar set at knees. Barbell stays in contact with thighs throughout the lift. Pull elbows straight back.

DB Reverse Flyes


DB Front Raise

DB Lateral Raise

*This does not have to be done as a complex today. You should be able to use heavier weights on the upright rows.

For TIme: 2 Rounds

20 (10each) Plank KB Drag

20m Death Drag

20 (10 each) Plank KB Drag

20m Death Drag


Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

Pre-Flight: Squats n deads then Some explosive jumping work mixed with sprint rows

Jet Fuel: Row 500m

Lateral Change of direction Drills.

-set up 3-4 rows of small plates, or erasers, or anything small that csn be picked up. Have an athlete behind each row. Have them perform assorted c.o.d. drills for time i.e. sprint to first object, back pedal back, sprint to 2nd object, back pedal back. Then sprint to 2nd object, back pedal, then sprint to first object, back pedal. Have them pick up all the objects, then on the return, set them back down. Repeat with variations of side shuffle, sprint, back pedal, in several combinations.

*Mash lower body

Major, Lift: Red: Squat

-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day

Wht/Blue: Snatch Grip Deadlift vs Chains

Max 5

Dudes -3 chains (total) Chicks -2 Chains (total)

AMRAP @80%



10 (5each) DB Single arm overhead walking lunge AHAP

20 Banded Hamstring Curls

100m Sled Drag



200m Sprint Row

10 Max Height Vertical Jumps

*2 minute rest between rounds


Wednesday, March 4th, 2020

Active Rest Day

300 Calorie Row

*Every 60 calories, bike 10 calories



20 min:

5 Pullups (strict)

5 DB Press AHAP

5 Deadlift @1.5 bodyweight

5 Cal Bike

Girth Differential:


:30 Stations, no rest:

Straight bar curls AHAP



DB Kickbacks


Thursday, March 5th, 2020

Pre-Flight: Shoulders and bench press, then it gets techincal with HSPU and Double unders. Have people scale to DB’s as needed

Jet Fuel: Reverse Tabata:

Pushups/Situps (8 minutes)


Band pull aparts, presses, upright rows

*Mash upper body

Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press

-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day

Wht/Blu: Spoto Bench Press vs Bands

Max 5


5x2 @5 rep weight

*Spoto bench: the bar deliberately does not touch chest. It stops about 2 inches off the chest and turns around.



Max Reps Pullups (scale as needed to get at least 10 on the first set)

20 Incline DB Press

20 DB Hammer Curls

20 DB Skull Crusher


Death by DB Push Press and Double Unders


1 DB Push Press

10 DU

*Add 1 Push Press every minute. Add 5 DU every minute.

*Go until the required reps cannot be completed in a minute.


Friday, March 6th, 2020

Jet Fuel: Good ol’ fast feet drills

Major, Lift: Red: Deadlift

-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day

Wht/Blu: Tempo Squat/Speed Deadlift

Tempo Squat

*All sets all reps, 5 count lower, up fast

5x5 @45%

5x5 @50%

Speed Deadlift

7x1 @60%



20 Hip Circle DB Straight leg Deadlift

8 Single leg squat (each)

1xTabata Hollow




Burpee Box Jump Over


Row Calories



20 min:

5 Pullups (strict)

5 DB Press AHAP

5 Deadlift @1.5 bodyweight

5 Cal Bike

Girth Differential:


:30 Stations, no rest:

Straight bar curls AHAP



DB Kickbacks


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